4 things to know about a Financial Power of Attorney

Posted by Gerald J. Turner – Most of the information you find about financial powers of attorney regards the person assigning the power to another person. However, it is essential to understand what your duties and responsibilities entail if you are named as the attorney-in-fact under an older loved one’s power of attorney. It is an important responsibility to be asked to care for another person and keep track of his or her money. Unfortunately, the adult child or other loved one who has been asked to have financial power of attorney often does not have all the information or resources they need to be successful. Here are a few tips to help you stay on the right track: 1. Do not commingle funds. It is imperative that you keep your personal finances separate from the elder’s. Money should not be mixed, nor should it be transferred from one account

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5 things seniors need to know about falling down

Posted by Gerald J. Turner – “I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!” Remember that old commercial? No one wants to imagine getting older and facing the potential embarrassment or medical problems that can come along with a nasty fall, especially if home alone. But, unfortunately, the truth is that 1 in 4 seniors suffers from a fall every year in the United States. Hospitals see a new case of fall-related injuries every 11 seconds. Let’s delve into some of the facts of falling and how you can prevent it from happening to you. One of the biggest myths of falling is that it is a normal part of aging. It doesn’t have to be. Even though your muscle mass may not be what it used to be, there are definite steps that you can take to avoid falling. 1. Proper management of medication is important, as is having your

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Healthy eating tips for seniors

Posted by Gerald J. Turner – It is well-settled that a healthy diet benefits us in all sorts of ways. Healthy eating can prevent common health problems like diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure and any other number of consequences of a less-than-healthy diet. Healthy eating becomes even more critical as we age into our senior years. For seniors, dietary choices can affect health in even more significant ways. Your metabolism slows down significantly as you grow older, leading to decreased muscle mass and the possibility of increased fat. Here are a few tips to help seniors optimize their daily diet so that they can remain healthy, vibrant and strong: Drink enough fluids For aging people, the sensation of thirst may lessen. So it’s important to make sure you are drinking the proper amount of water throughout the day to stave off dehydration and its side-effects. To figure out exactly

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Taking Full Advantage of the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act

Posted by Robert L. Arone – Key Points to Discuss With Your Clients Like all things, tax laws are constantly changing. An important part of serving your clients is responding quickly and strategically to new developments in the tax law landscape. But at the same time, a knee-jerk reaction is rarely the best course of action—often resulting in unforeseen complications in the future. The best decisions are made by professional teams working together to analyze all angles of a situation to come up with the best strategy in response to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), a historic amendment to the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. The TCJA affects many Americans in a variety of areas of life, and your clients might not be aware of what its impact will be on their long-term financial plan.  Of course, this law is going on seven months old, but too many

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5 tips to get the most out of your doctor’s visits

Posted by Gerald J. Turner  – It is an unfortunate truth that getting in to see a doctor in America can be a cumbersome process. Sometimes it takes months of waiting to secure an appointment – and this only entitles you to fifteen or twenty minutes to cram in everything you want to talk about. Because of this, it makes sense to make sure you are well-prepared before you visit the doctor. Here are a few tips to help you get the most out of your medical visits. 1. Fill out the paperwork ahead of time Many doctor’s offices allow you to fill out paperwork on their website before your visit to avoid unnecessary delays and the possibility of office staff misreading your handwriting. If you are not tech savvy or do not feel comfortable using a computer, ask one of your children or another trusted person to help you

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