What Should You Do If You are Audited?
By Eric P. Rothenberg, Esq. – Some of you might get hit by what we in the tax law call the “AUDIT LOTTERY”. This is when you are selected for an audit. Due to extreme budget cuts by Congress for the IRS funding, the odds of being audited are as small as they have ever been. However, many folks will “win” that lottery and be audited every year. I. Why were you selected? There are three basic ways you are selected for an audit: Matching Documents. The IRS matches forms filed by various parties (employers, brokerage houses, vendor payors, etc) and the IRS matches what you have reported on you tax forms with those sent in by the payors. If they don’t match, they might audit you. Related party audits: If an entity is being audited by the IRS such a trust, an S Corp, C Corp or a Partnership