Attorneys Robert Arone, Eric Rothenberg, Gerald Turner and Allison Lane have extensive experience on forming, running, and dissolving closely held businesses, including family-owned businesses and their owners. We represent general business corporations, limited liability companies, limited partnerships, general partnerships, limited liability partnerships, sole proprietorships, franchisees, corporate landlords and other business associations. We maintain continuous interactive relationships with our business clients, and an appreciation of the precise nature of their operations to stand ready to enhance their profitability. Our existing relationships with financial institutions can dramatically enhance our clients’ obtaining the capital or funding necessary to achieve their objectives. Our business and commercial practice addresses a broad spectrum of matters, including the ones listed below: Corporate formations Venture capital funding Mergers, acquisitions and dissolutions Generation transfers Shareholders agreements License agreements Partnerships and joint venture agreements Buy-sell agreements Stock restriction agreements Business financing Leveraged buyouts Insurance law LLPs and LLCs Contracts and