Grandkids off to college? Tips on helping them pay

Posted by Gerald J. Turner – Many grandparents want to help their grandchildren pay for their education. However, the cost of a college education is on the rise, making funding a student’s education a real sacrifice, especially for those moving toward retirement or living on a fixed-income. College financial-aid and student loan regulations are also changing rapidly, and qualifying for need-based financial aid can be tricky. That’s why it is important for students, parents, and grandparents to be on the same page about funding a young person’s college experience. Here’s how to help the student while still getting the most out of need-based aid: 1. Take advantage of a parental 529 savings plan, but make sure it belongs to the parent or student. If you’re thinking about helping a student pay for college, then you have probably heard of a 529 plan. If a 529 belongs to the parent or

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The rise of the “Gray Divorce” – Things you should consider

“‘Til death do us part,” says the traditional wedding vows. However, we all know that it isn’t always that simple. More and more people are opting to get divorced at a mature age. In fact, of all of those who went through a divorce in 2009, 1 in 4 individuals was age 50 or older according to a paper written by two sociologists at Bowling Green State University. While the logistics and mechanics of so-called “gray divorce” are legally similar to that of a younger couple, there are usually special factors, most of them money-related, that need to be considered. First is the issue of alimony, sometimes called spousal support. Judges are, for multiple reasons, far more likely to grant alimony to the spouse whose current financial situation and earning potential is the weakest. Another issue is the length time alimony payments must be made. While a younger worker whose

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4 easy ways to save more for retirement

Posted by Gerald J. Turner – No adult likes to feel like they can’t take care of themselves. One of the unfortunate truths of growing older is that many of us will not be able to get along without a little help. It’s important to have a well-structured, detailed financial plan in place as you prepare for retirement. One of the most important ways to prepare for retirement is also one of the simplest: save more cash. For many of us, finding more dollars to stash into our savings can be difficult. But by saving a little extra each month, you will be more financially secure as you move toward retirement and beyond. Here are a few simple reminders of ways to step up your savings game: 1. Automate your savings. For many of us, several important expenditures come off the top of our paychecks before we even see it.

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How to choose a home aide for your loved one

Posted by Gerald J. Turner – No adult likes to feel like they can’t take care of themselves. One of the unfortunate truths of growing older is that many of us will not be able to get along without a little help. There often comes a time when senior citizens require someone to help them carry out the basic functions of life. While some adult children help their parents in times like this, it is not always feasible. No matter how much you love your senior parent, you may not have the necessary medical education, time or skills required to take care of them. Most adults have full time jobs and cannot take on a second one. In these cases, families should consider hiring a professional to step in. What type of help does the senior need? First, you must determine the nature of your parent’s needs. Is there a

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What 199A Regulations Mean for You

Posted by Robert L. Arone – Tax-Saving Opportunities for Business Owners Are any of your business-owning clients curious about the new Section 199A deduction? Although the deduction became effective on January 1, 2018, guidance on how it would be calculated was delegated to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) by Congress. For months, financial and tax professionals have speculated about various aspects of this new deduction since Congress gave us little concrete guidance to work with. New Developments in August 2018 But on August 8, 2018, the IRS released proposed regulations that answered many pressing questions about losses as well as how to account for multiple businesses. We can now more accurately project or estimate how much of a deduction a client is entitled to. Fortunately, these new proposed regulations introduced many new planning options for your clients. Unfortunately, an overabundance of options can lead to confusion and missed opportunities without

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