Planning for Millennials

Posted by Robert L. Arone Millennials (born 1981 to 1996) are well known for their distinctiveness as a group. They have followed paths and set goals that are decidedly different from those chosen by previous generations. They are highly diverse, better educated, more socially conscious, and wait longer to have families than their parents and grandparents. But one thing millennials have in common with other generational groups is the need for estate planning. Unfortunately, a startling 79% of millennials do not have basic estate plans in place. Their needs and goals may vary, but having an estate plan in place is crucial for every adult, including millennials. Whether your clients are young or old, they do not know what the future holds, and together, we can help them put plans in place that not only provide for their own future needs but also those of their loved ones. Will and/or

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